Monthly Archives: November 2015

Reasons girls don’t want to go home with you

You may do everything right on a date with a girl but she still may not want to come home with you. The reasons may have to do with her and NOT YOU!

Here are some examples women have given for not wanting to go home with a man:

1. I didn’t wax down there. I’d rather try again next time when I’m groomed.
2. My tummy hurts. Bad.
3. I feel weird about my body. I need time to get to know the guy first.
4. I’m nervous about the morning after when we wake up. I don’t want to feel weird.
5. I live with my parents, and it makes it hard to stay the night somewhere else.
6. I’m on my period.
7. I sort of have a boyfriend, and I need time to fully end it with the ex.
8. I can’t leave my pet alone.
9. You’ll think I’m a slut. I’d rather wait so you respect me more.
10. I didn’t shave my legs.